plotting package


plotting.plot_helpers module

plotting.plot_helpers.plot_confusion_matrix(model, generator, generator_name, target_type)

Plot the confusion matrix of the model predictions on a given dataset.


model (Model): A trained Keras model. generator (ImageDataGenerator): A Keras ImageDataGenerator. generator_name (str): Name of the generator, used in the plot title. target_type (str): Type of target labels (‘binary’ or ‘categorical’).

plotting.plot_helpers.plot_curve(ax, history, metric, ylabel, show_min_max_plot)

Plot a curve of a specific metric.


ax (Axes): Matplotlib Axes object. history (History): Keras training history object. metric (str): Metric to be plotted. ylabel (str): Label for the y-axis. show_min_max_plot (bool): Whether to plot the maximum/minimum value lines.

plotting.plot_helpers.plot_history_curves(history, show_min_max_plot, user_metric)

Plot the training and validation loss and user-specified metric curves.


history (History): Keras training history object. show_min_max_plot (bool): Whether to plot the maximum/minimum value lines. user_metric (str): User-specified metric to be plotted.

plotting.plot_helpers.plot_max_min_lines(ax, history, metric, ylabel)

Plot the maximum/minimum value lines for a specific metric.


ax (Axes): Matplotlib Axes object. history (History): Keras training history object. metric (str): Metric to be plotted. ylabel (str): Label for the y-axis.

plotting.plot_helpers.set_plot_labels(ax, history, metric, ylabel)

Set the plot labels, grid, legend, and tick labels for a specific metric.


ax (Axes): Matplotlib Axes object. history (History): Keras training history object. metric (str): Metric to be plotted. ylabel (str): Label for the y-axis.

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